A new year came in with new dreams, along with a hope to move back to more of what we consider “regular” life! Each year I think of a word to add to my life. I may use it in my journals. Sometimes it just sits in my brain, and I come back to it every so often. Last year my word was “thrive”. Not exactly a word that was a part of my life after March. Just like everyone else, I worked on surviving all that the world was throwing at us!
2021 came, and with it the word “trust”. Trust is an action that I can think about daily. As a business owner starting on a new dream with my LLC, trusting in myself seemed like the only way to go. I am just like you my reader, and there are days when I get out of bed and feel like the world is either crashing on my head, or that I am not doing enough for clients that I am so grateful for.
How do we move forward in a world that is a highlight reel of life on each of our phones? The perfect photos and the big “goals” that seem to be met everywhere we turn? We have to trust in ourselves, and truly believe that there is a plan for us out there, and it is a good one. It isn’t just about our numbers. It is about connection with clients that value us, and in our hearts we know that each day when our head hits the pillow that we did the best we could. In the end, that is all we can do; is be honest, try hard, and trust in a bigger plan that we can see for our life!