A big change is coming in our home. The second oldest will graduate from high school in a month. The emotions are being held at bay but eventually I will need to let them be seen. Change is always around the corner and it can bring lots of good and hard combined. For me it […]
Read MoreSaturday Snippets
A new chapter in Houghtonllc. A chapter that is about strategy and systems two of my favorite words. Each of these components help create businesses that not only we can be proud of but that will grow to a place beyond your wildest dream. My life with systems hasn’t always been in the work space. […]
Read MoreMoving Your Mountain Podcast
It is always scary to do new things but I have wanted to publish a podcast for a long time and today is the day! Click here to hear my first episode! This is a podcast about climbing the mountains of entrepreneurship and life. Figuring out ways to move in these spaces with grace and […]
Read MoreSummer…Connections and Travel
The end of June is upon us and the summer is moving swiftly. It is hard to believe and yet I want to soak up all of its goodness and at the same time having a growing and healthy business. A part of life that I really enjoy is travel and connection. When these two […]
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